Enjoy every moment of your life and do not forget, It’s Christmas!
Hold on and watch yourself in the mirror but not only for a second, look at yourself until you realize your existence in this very second. Look at every single detail of your face. What do you see? Do you see the same face you saw for a few seconds in your morning mirror without realizing your existence? If yes, what are you going to do with it? Now you know how much time has passed since you were born, and suddenly you become awake, realizing that the life routine took you in her carousel many years ago.
Yes, that was when you left your childhood in your parents’ house and dressed in adult clothes
How blind you were; the speed of the roller-coaster of life enchanted you. You stepped in, excited and you became lost within the daily routine. You forgot to laugh like a child; you forgot to watch the stars, lying in the garden grass during the warm nights; you forgot to taste life’s moments in a still mood; you forgot to be happy watching a flower bloom or enjoying the smell of fresh air. You forgot to talk to strangers because you thought they didn’t care about you. You forgot to make friends because you thought nobody liked you. But now you have awakened from your sleep.
You have realized that life routine took you into her roller-coaster many years back

Life’s roller-coaster
While awakening, you realize that you don’t need a roller-coaster anymore and can get out whenever you want.
-You also discovered that you could stop whenever you wanted.
-You can decide if you wish to go forward or backward.
-You can choose which direction you want to take.
-You can turn around and come back home, but the most important thing
you learn is how to love yourself after stepping out of the carousel.
-You will also understand that you cannot change anything unless you control your emotions.
Stop looking outside yourselves for happiness. Happiness is inside of you! Begin to realize that you are responsible for everything inside you, then accept yourself and move forward, so you become stronger. Only strong people can help the people around them, especially their loved ones. Once you do that, you will see that money are not the real-life value; money is not the top priority in life but the people you love.
A fascinating story is coming into my mind, underlining these life values.
Real life’s values
A young King lost a battle with an old and experienced King, taking him and his wife prisoners. The old King asked his guards to bring them to the council room to decide what to do with their lives. The guards brought the young King, his wife, and his son to the old King.
-What are you offering for your son’s life? said the old King
– I am offering you my Kingdom!
– What are you offering for your wife’s life?
– I am offering you my life!
The old King remained breathless for a while, then he continued.
I am forgiving you and your family, so you are free to go; moreover, I am inviting you as a guest to spend together this week, so we know each other better.
The young King was more than surprised about the old King’s decision, so he accepted his invitation. The old King invited the young King and his family into the royal apartments, and while they were there, the young King felt he had to talk with his wife about this amazing experience.
- Did you see how kind and grateful was this old King?
- No, I could not look at anybody else but you!
These are life’s priorities, high values, the family’s heartbeat, dedication to the ones you love, emotions, respect, and dignity! So, it’s time to enjoy every moment of your life and please do not forget: it’s Christmas!
Christmas time is here! Are you ready for the holiday season?

Christmas in a family
Christmas is a wonderful time of year. There is nothing better than spending time with family and friends, enjoying the holidays. Christmas is a magical time of year. It reminds us of the birth of Jesus Christ and gives us hope for a brighter future. HE is the reason why we celebrate Christmas.

Jesus Birth
Christmas is a wonderful holiday. The most important thing about it is that it brings us together with our loved ones. This is something that everyone wishes for. However, sometimes it seems like they are too far apart. If you live alone, you might feel lonely during the holidays. Fortunately, there is a way out. You can always visit other countries and meet new people. Of course, you should know how to travel safely.
Christmas is also a perfect occasion to give presents to those close to you. It doesn’t matter whether you’re buying for a friend, relative or co-worker – everyone deserves a present. And since you can’t buy anything physical, you can always surprise your loved ones by sending them virtual gifts.
Christmas is a time of love. We spend time with our partners and friends. We share our thoughts and feelings with them. We help each other through difficult times. On Christmas Eve, we usually make plans for the next day. We wish each other good health and prosperity. We exchange gifts with our loved ones.
You see, you have a lot of reasons to be happy, stay awake, live each second of your life. Don’t let anyone tell you differently. Do not listen to negative voices, enjoy this Christmas with your loved ones!
Merry Christmas, Good Health, and Happiness!
Live a Five-Star Life Team!

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I wrote all the above simply because I am passionate about these topics, it opened my horizon about nutrition and health and gave me a lot of answers to my questions. I am not a doctor, and this article is intended for healthy adults aged 18 and over and is solely for informational and educational purposes. Based on that, I am not assuming any responsibility for any damages or liabilities, real or perceived, resulting from the use of this information. If you like this post, you are welcome to subscribe as I will post some more interesting articles. We are also inviting you to visit our website where you could also find some other interesting articles which you can enjoy: www.onlyfivestarsproducts.com
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This article is intended for healthy adults aged 18 and over and is solely for informational and educational purposes. The author assumes no responsibility for any damages or liabilities, real or perceived, resulting from the use of this information. The content found in this article is not medical advice, and the author is not a doctor or a medical professional. Please consult a health professional before starting any exercise, diet, or supplementation program or if you have questions about your health. Specific results mentioned in this article are not typical. These experiences are no guarantee you will achieve results. Individuals differ, and so will results.
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