Why choosing „Chanel“, what is so remarkable about this famous brand? What is the story behind this brand and behind „Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel“ fashion career?
Today, the world of fashion (and not only), is celebrating 138 years since Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel was born. She was one of the most famous designers in the world, celebrated as a style icon who made her mark on fashion in the 20th century, creating a style that is still popular today. By creating her fashion style she revolutionized the concept of female elegance and actually when you say Chanel, she will be timelessly represented by:
- Unforgettable women hats – glamourous, unique
- Black and white colors. She was considered the best in giving maximum elegance to these colors.
- The tweed suit. She had an idea to combine a men’s jacket, with a straight skirt or trousers sometime in 1919 using dark colors. Later on, in 1954 she designed her first tweed suit, made up of a cardigan-style jacket with a typical chain and gold buttons sewn inside.
- Comfortable clothes as she wanted to move freely wearing her clothes.
- She designed separate essential clothing pieces such as the black dress which was used on various occasions.
- The iconic Chanel n. 5. created during the period of time when she was in love with Captain Arthur
Edward ‘Boy Capel. Capel came from a wealthy and upper English and he was the one helping her to open the first shop in Paris. Rumors are saying that Capel’s style influenced her with the conception of the Chanel look. The perfume becomes famous over the night and every one of us is recalling Marilyn Monroe’s famous phrase, „What do I wear in bed? Chanel no.5, of course”.
- Coco always thought that a tan could improve the beauty of a woman.
- The Red lipstick. Chanel tried during her entire life to revolutionizing the power of women’s social position/status but also the symbol of femme fatal.
- The high-quality handbags and shoes
- The Costume jewelry. She was the one designing these accessories, made of metal and semi-precious stones, which you can wear any time of day.
Who was Coco Chanel and what do we know about her life:
Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel was born in 1883 in Saumur, Maine-et-Loire, France, second daughter of Eugenie Jeanne and Albert Chanel. At birth, Chanel’s name was wrongly registered into the official registry as “Chasnel”. The name on her grave remained Gabrielle Channel because of this misspelled mistake. At 11 years old after her mother died went to the convent of Aubazine, which ran an orphanage. This was the place where she learned to sew. At age eighteen, she went to a boarding house for Catholic girls in the town of Moulins. Learning well to sew helped her to work as a seamstress She also sang in a cabaret called ‘’La Rotonda ‘’frequented by cavalry officers. Chanel made her stage debut singing at a cafe concert in a Moulins pavilion, La Rotonde. As she was singing a song called, “Who Has Seen Coco?” about a dog which was lost. It was said that because of this song she won this nickname. Her singer career in La Moulins was short as she was not a very good singer so moved to Vichy but again she failed in this singing career so she came back to La Moulins At Moulins, she met an ex-cavalry officer and textile heir called Étienne Balsan and became his mistress. The lived together in his château Royallieu near Compiègne. Balsan was a wealthy person who enjoyed a good social life keeping lots of parties in his domain. Next to Balsan, Coco enjoyed the taste pf rich bourgeois life. In 1908 she began an affair with Balsan’s friend, Captain Arthur Edward ‘’Boy’’ Chapel. Her affair with Chapel lasted very long even after he
Married an English aristocrat, Lady Diana Wyndham, in 1918. After one year in a car. Twenty-five years after death, she declared to one of her friends, “His death was a terrible blow to me. In losing Capel, I lost everything. What followed was not a life of happiness.“
Until 1919, Madame Coco opens up many boutiques becoming licensed milliners starting with the one from, 21 rue Cambon, Paris (1910), named Chanel Modes. In 1913, Chanel opened a boutique in Deauville, financed by Arthur Capel, with deluxe casual clothing suitable for leisure and sport. The next one was in Biarritz in 1915. In Biarritz, (the place where she met her new lover, the Grand Duke Dmitriy Pavlovich) proved to be a good investment as in 1916 she was able to reimburse Capel’s original investment. In 1919, Coco Chanel was registered as a couturière at Rue de Cambon, Paris and she established her Maison de Couture at 31 rue Cambon, Paris. After she bought the building, in 1921 she opened a fashion boutique, featuring hats, clothing, jewelry, fragrances, and accessories
By the end of the 1920’s she was introduced to a Russian composer Igor Stravinksy and later on he asked Chanel to design the costumes of his ballet production
In 1923, Chane was introduced into the highest level of British aristocracy by Vera Bate Lombardi, (born Sarah Gertrude Arkwright), when she had the opportunity to meet Winston Churchill, Duke of Westminster, and royals such as Edward, Prince of Wales. Rumors saying that there was an affair between the Duke of Westminster and Coco Chanel, actually the Duke offered Chanel a parcel of land in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin on the French Riviera where is built a villa called La Pausa (‘restful pause’. In 1931, while in Monte Carlo Chanel met Samuel Goldwyn. Mr. Goldwyn offered Chanel the sum of a million dollars to come to Hollywood to design the movie stars costumes
She went to the United States and she designed the clothing worn by Gloria Swanson, in Tonight or Never (1931), for Ina Claire in The Greeks Had a Word for Them (1932), for Marlene Dietrich, and Greta Garbo. From that time she designed the costumes for several French and Italian films, including Jean Renoir’s 1939 film La Règle du jeu, Luchino Visconti
In 1935 she had about 4,000 people employed who were left without jobs when the second world war began.
After the war, in 1945, Chanel moved to Switzerland for several years. During the years, new couturiers appear, making firm steps ahead in the fashion industry and we can name here, Cristobal Balenciaga, Christian Dior, Jaques Fath. Chanel was watching them from the distance and she always declared that a man will never be able to be a good designer than a woman.
She closes down her couture fashion house for 15 years, but she came back after she was 70 years
Old but she became very tyrannical with her staff and so lonely. She died at 87 years old. On that day she prepared the spring catalog, she went for a long drive but then she felt ill and she said to her maid ‚’ You see, this I show you die’’. Yves Saint Laurent, Serge Lifar ,Salvador Dalí, Jacques Chazot, Marie-Hélène de Rothschild. Her grave is in the Bois-de-Vaux Cemetery, Lausanne, Switzerland.
In the end, we would like to share with you some of her interesting quotes
- „You can be gorgeous at 30, charming at 40’s and irresistible for the rest of your life“
- „There are people who have money and people who are rich“
- „My life didn’t pleased me, so I created my life“
- „Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance’’
- „Where should one use perfume? Wherever one wants to be kissed“
She died, but she is still alive by her creations. Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel remains one of the most talented fashion designers. With her creations, she underlined the hidden beauty of every woman.
Coco was a strong, creative and intelligent woman. She built up an empire starting in a small shop!
Her life story can inspire every one of us!
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References : 1.Biography (www.biography.com/fashion-designer/coco-chanel 2.Wikipedia 3.Good housekeeping.com
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