In the previous article, I have told you how I gained weight after quitting smoking. I had noticed that when I tried one of my last winter sweaters. Initially, I thought it became tide after washing(not washed at proper water temperature), but it was not from the washing machine. After quitting smoking, I have gained some extra weight. Well, without being so worried, I said to myself that this is a normal transition, and so in few weeks, I will be back in my old shape. I was wrong, and I had to do something about it without delays, as otherwise, I would not have been able to get rid of the extra kilos so quickly.
click on this button to learn how to loose weight
It took days to convince my inner self that there is no way out but starting exercising, and that inner self was using all the universal and galactical excuses not to do so, BUT there was no other way out! I stood up, and I said to myself, „This procrastination had to have an end. I will start on Monday afternoon!“.

healthy body
But on that Monday, I had to cancel my visit to the gym because I had to pick up my son from school (it was freezing outside), so I spent my time on the couch again during the evening. I had a good excuse that day, but finally, I signed up for a one-year subscription with that gym on Tuesday. It was hard, very hard. When I stepped in, I thought I knew how to train, so that first day, I worked out like I was only 15 years old. During that training hour, I used all the workout machines, without any logic, and by the end of the training, I was exhausted. On my way out, one of the trainers approached me, and after his usual welcome to the gym, he suggested that I take it much easier, and if I feel that I would need some pieces of advice, he will be happy to assist. I slept like a baby that night, but I could not move even one finger when I woke up. My entire body was sore. When I finally stood up, I moved like I was playing one of the main characters from the „Transformers“. After three more days of pain, I have decided that the best way to get rid of this is to go again to the gym, but this time with a trainer. It was the best decision I took at that time. The trainer was passionate about the workout, and while talking about various topics, I have noticed that he also had some nutrition knowledge. For a start, he placed on a device that is measuring the body fat, blood pressure, and he also insisted that I should have some blood tests, then to discuss with my physician before we begin this, so we make sure there are no health problems. After doing those, I went regularly to the gym, which was not easy; anyway, I have pushed myself pretty hard to keep it up and so after few weeks, surprise surprise, I have noticed an improvement in my body strength, I could move my body much easier and that I was not losing my breath when I had to walk on some stairs.
Moreover, my sleep was much more profound and very close to eight hours; in other words, my life started to change, and I was so content with these changes. Step by step, my restlessness diminished, and my clothes were not too tide on my body. I also made new friends at the gym, not to mention that my phone was in a silent mood for the entire workout session, and I had no connection with the outside world.

Man in a gym doing weight lifting
In about four months of going 2-3 times a week to the gym, my mood was better, and one day, I recall that I meet an old friend of mine who looked at me and said, “Man, I don’t know what you did, but you’ve changed a lot.” For a second, I was breathless, waiting for his continue his sentence… „You look much younger, and you have lost weight, you look so much different than we met a few years ago?? What happened to you? Do you take some miracle pills? Tell me so I can also take some!“ „You must be kidding“, I said. „Are you mocking me?“ „No, man, I mean it, you look different; I mean in a good way. So what happened?” I told him that I go to the gym for a couple of months, but I also became pickier about the things I eat.
Furthermore, I explained to him that I quit smoking and feel more vitality in my body. That was my first victory, and I felt so good.
By regularly going to the gym, I have discovered that my gym clothes became too large for me, so I have to look for various new gym equipment models. It was a nice feeling, something that was telling me that I belong to another league, and I felt proud of my choice of changing my life.
Step by step, other good things changed in my life, and the people around me have noticed this change, questioning me how I did it. That was a reward for my efforts. My couple’s life changed in many ways, not because I had no appreciation in my marriage until that time and so my wife decided also to come to the gym. She also mentioned that she is so happy that I do not smell like I smoke a big box of cigarettes by night. She enjoyed the gym, and later on, we went jogging together during the early hours of mornings, which also revived our connection.
I felt younger, and I knew that I took the right decision to change my life, habits and to improve my health condition.
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I wrote all the above simply because I am passionate about these topics, it opened my horizon about nutrition and health and gave me a lot of answers to my questions. I am not a doctor, and this article is intended for healthy adults aged 18 and over and is solely for informational and educational purposes. Based on that, I am not assuming any responsibility for any damages or liabilities, real or perceived, resulting from the use of this information. If you like this post, you are welcome to subscribe as I will post some more interesting articles. We are also inviting you to visit our website where you could also find some other interesting articles which you can enjoy:
This article is intended for healthy adults aged 18 and over and is solely for informational and educational purposes. The author assumes no responsibility for any damages or liabilities, real or perceived, resulting from the use of this information. The content found in this article is not medical advice, and the author is not a doctor or a medical professional. Please consult a health professional before starting any exercise, diet, or supplementation program or if you have questions about your health. Specific results mentioned in this article are not typical. These experiences are no guarantee you will achieve results. Individuals differ, and so will results.
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This article is intended for healthy adults aged 18 and over and is solely for informational and educational purposes. The author assumes no responsibility for any damages or liabilities, real or perceived, resulting from the use of this information. The content found in this article is not medical advice, and the author is not a doctor or a medical professional. Please consult a health professional before starting any exercise, diet, or supplementation program or if you have questions about your health. Specific results mentioned in this article are not typical. These experiences are no guarantee you will achieve results. Individuals differ, and so will results.
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